A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


add(Header) - Method in HeaderCollection
addEndpoint(int, String, String, def) - Method in Deproxy
addHandling(Handling) - Method in MessageChain
addMessageChain(String, MessageChain) - Method in Deproxy
addOrphanedHandling(Handling) - Method in Deproxy
addOrphanedHandling(Handling) - Method in MessageChain
ApacheClientConnector - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
ApacheClientConnector() - Constructor in ApacheClientConnector


BareClientConnector - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
BareClientConnector(Socket) - Constructor in BareClientConnector
BodyReader - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
BodyWriter - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.


ClientConnector - Interface in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
clock - Field in DeproxyEndpoint
contains(String) - Method in HeaderCollection
CreateHostHeaderValue(String, int, def) - Method in Header
createLocalSocketPair(def) - Method in LocalSocketPair
createRawConnection() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint


datetimeString() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint
DefaultClientConnector - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
DefaultClientConnector(Socket) - Constructor in DefaultClientConnector
defaultClientConnector - Field in Deproxy
defaultHandler - Field in Deproxy
Delay(int, def) - Method in Handlers
deleteAll(String) - Method in HeaderCollection
Deproxy - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
The main class.
Deproxy(def, ClientConnector) - Constructor in Deproxy
deproxy - Field in DeproxyEndpoint
DeproxyEndpoint - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
A class that acts as a mock HTTP server.
DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointHandlerThread - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointHandlerThread(DeproxyEndpoint, Socket, String, String) - Constructor in DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointHandlerThread
DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointListenerThread - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointListenerThread(DeproxyEndpoint, ServerSocket, String) - Constructor in DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointListenerThread
DeproxyEndpoint(Deproxy, int, String, String, Object) - Constructor in DeproxyEndpoint
DeproxyHttpRequest - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
DeproxyHttpRequest(Request, String, String, def) - Constructor in DeproxyHttpRequest


each(Closure) - Method in HeaderCollection
eachWithIndex(Closure) - Method in HeaderCollection
echoHandler(Request) - Method in Handlers
endpointLock - Field in Deproxy
endpoints - Field in Deproxy


findAll(String) - Method in HeaderCollection
fromReadable(Readable) - Method in HeaderCollection
fromStream(InputStream) - Method in HeaderCollection


getAt(String) - Method in HeaderCollection
getCountByName(String) - Method in HeaderCollection
getFirstValue(String, String) - Method in HeaderCollection
getItems() - Method in HeaderCollection
getMessageChain(String) - Method in Deproxy
getMethod() - Method in DeproxyHttpRequest
getNames() - Method in HeaderCollection
getNextOpenPort(int, int) - Method in PortFinder
getValues() - Method in HeaderCollection


handleOneRequest(InputStream, OutputStream, String) - Method in DeproxyEndpoint
handleOneRequest(Socket, String, int) - Method in StaticTcpServer
handleOneRequestTimeout(Socket, String, int) - Method in StaticTcpServer
Handler - Interface in org.rackspace.deproxy
HandlerContext - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
handleRequest(Request) - Method in Handler
Handlers - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Handling - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
An object representing a request received by an endpoint and the response it returns.
Handling(DeproxyEndpoint, Request, Response, String) - Constructor in Handling
Header - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
@author richard-sartor
Header(String, String) - Constructor in Header
HeaderCollection - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
@author izrik
HeaderCollection(HeaderCollection) - Constructor in HeaderCollection
HeaderReader - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
HeaderWriter - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
HttpResponseMessage - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy


isListening() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint




LineReader - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
LocalSocketPair - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
lock - Field in MessageChain


makeRequest(String, String, def, String, String, def, def, def, Map, boolean, boolean, ClientConnector) - Method in Deproxy
MessageChain - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
An object containing the initial request sent via the make_request method, and all request/response pairs (Handling objects) processed by DeproxyEndpoint objects.
MessageChain(def, Map) - Constructor in MessageChain
messageChains - Field in Deproxy
messageChainsLock - Field in Deproxy


name - Field in Header



parseRequest(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in DeproxyEndpoint
PortFinder - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
@author richard-sartor
PortFinder(def) - Constructor in PortFinder
processNewConnection(Socket, String) - Method in DeproxyEndpoint



read(CharBuffer) - Method in UnbufferedStreamReader
readBody(InputStream, def) - Method in BodyReader
readChunkedBody(InputStream) - Method in BodyReader
readHeaders(InputStream) - Method in HeaderReader
readLine(InputStream) - Method in LineReader
removeMessageChain(String) - Method in Deproxy
Request - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
A simple HTTP Request, with method, path, headers, and body.
Request(String, String, def, def) - Constructor in Request
Creates a Request object
RequestParams - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
Response - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
A simple HTTP Response, with status code, status message, headers, and body.
Response(def, String, def, def) - Constructor in Response
Creates a Response object
Route(String, int, boolean, ClientConnector) - Method in Handlers
run() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointHandlerThread
run() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint.DeproxyEndpointListenerThread


sendRequest(Request, boolean, def, def, RequestParams) - Method in ApacheClientConnector
sendRequest(Request, boolean, def, def, RequestParams) - Method in BareClientConnector
sendRequest(Request, boolean, def, def, RequestParams) - Method in ClientConnector
sendRequest(Request, boolean, def, def, RequestParams) - Method in DefaultClientConnector
sendResponse(OutputStream, Response, HandlerContext) - Method in DeproxyEndpoint
serverSocket - Field in DeproxyEndpoint
serverThread - Field in DeproxyEndpoint
shutdown() - Method in Deproxy
shutdown() - Method in DeproxyEndpoint
simpleHandler(Request) - Method in Handlers
Singleton - Field in PortFinder
size() - Method in HeaderCollection
StaticTcpServer - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.


toString() - Method in Handling
toString() - Method in Header
toString() - Method in HeaderCollection
toString() - Method in MessageChain
toString() - Method in Request
toString() - Method in Response


UnbufferedStreamReader - Class in org.rackspace.deproxy
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
UnbufferedStreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor in UnbufferedStreamReader


value - Field in Header
VERSION - Field in Deproxy
VERSION_STRING - Field in Deproxy


writeBody(def, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in BodyWriter
writeBodyChunked(def, OutputStream) - Method in BodyWriter
writeHeaders(OutputStream, HeaderCollection) - Method in HeaderWriter





_removeEndpoint(DeproxyEndpoint) - Method in Deproxy