How It Works

Deproxy is intended to test complex HTTP proxies, rather than just clients or servers. For this reason, it deals with more than just HTTP requests and responses. An entire complex system of HTTP components can be involved, and Deproxy keeps track of them all. What follows is a description of various scenarios and how to test them using Deproxy.


At the heart of the system is the Deproxy class. It acts as both the client and server on opposite sides of a proxy to be tested:

 ________                     ________                    ________
|        |  --->  req  --->  |        |  ---> req2 --->  |        |
|   (C)  |                   | Proxy  |                  |   (S)  |
|        |  <---  resp2 <--  |________|  <--- resp <---  |        |
|        |                                               |        |
|        |_______________________________________________|        |
|                                                                 |
|                             Deproxy                             |

You can use this in your test code by creating an instance of the Deproxy class, potentially adding one or more endpoints (about which, more here), and then calling the makeRequest method to initiate an HTTP request from the client side to the proxy. makeRequest allows you to craft a custom request, including the HTTP method, headers, and request body to send. You can also indicate how the server-side should respond and what additional complex behavior the client-side should exhibit (e.g. re-using connections).


We’ll start by describing the simplest possible arrangement: a client makes a request to a server.:

 ________                            ________
|        |  --->  1. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Server |
|________|  <---  2. Response <---  |________|

In this instance, all we have to keep track of is the request sent and the response received. To test a server, all we would need to do is use an HTTP client to send a request to the server, then compare what the server got back with what we expected. Simple enough, right? So simple, in fact, that we wouldn’t even really need Deproxy to test it.

Nevertheless, Deproxy contains the facilities to do so. Simply, create a Deproxy and then call it’s makeRequest method, specifying the URL of the server. It will create a Request object, and send it over the wire. Then, it will receive a response from the server, and convert it into a Response object. Each of these classes stores basic information about HTTP messages;

  • Request stores a method and a path, both as strings.
  • Response stores a code and a message, both as strings.
  • Both classes store a collection of headers. This collection stores headers as name/value pairs, in the order that they travel across the wire. You can also do by-name lookup, which is case-insensitive.
  • Both classes store an optional message body. The message body will be either a string or an array of bytes, depending on whether Deproxy could figure out what kind of data it is.

The Request sent and the Response recieved will be returned back to you from makeRequest, along with a bunch of other stuff. Then you can make assertions on the request and response as in any unit test. That’s client/server testing in a nutshell.


Next, let’s consider a situation with more moving parts.:

 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  1. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 2. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |                         | Server |
|________|  <---  4. Response <---  |________|  <--- 3. Response <---  |________|

Now things are getting interesting.

  1. The client sends a request to the proxy
  2. The proxy potentially modifies the request and sends it along to the server
  3. The server returns a response to the proxy
  4. The proxy potentially modifies the responses and sends it bck to the client

If our goal is to test the behavior of the proxy and the modifications it makes to requests, responses, or both, then we have to keep track of more information. Not only that, we need to distinguish between two Request/Response exchanges. We can create a DeproxyEndpoint to represent the server, and make requests to the proxy using the makeRequest method. When the endpoint receives a request from the proxy, it will return a response. We say that it “handles” the request. Both the request the endpoint receives and the response it sends back are collected into something called a Handling. A handling represents the request/response pair at the server side of the equation. So, the call to makeRequest should return:

  • the sent request
  • the received request and sent response, as a Handling
  • the received response

But to have a more complete model, we should consider additional cases.

Here’s another situation in which the Handling concept proves helpful:

 ________                            ________
|        |  --->  1. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |
|________|  <---  2. Response <---  |________|

Suppose a proxy is limiting requests to the server to X per minute. Or serving responses out of a cache. Or something like that. In these cases, there are circumstances in which we expect the proxy to not forward the request to the server, but instead to serve a response itself, whether an error or a cached response.

As it turns out, we can test whether or not the proxy is forwarding requests, in addition to checking that the response is correct. If the mock-server endpoint never receives a request, then it never generates a response and no Handling object is generated.

Message Chains

But what if we want to track more than a single Handling? Consider another situation. Suppose the proxy that we’re testing is used to authenticate client requests before forwarding them on to the server. And suppose further that this authentication has to go through an auxiliary, shared service that manages authentication for a number of different servers and services. When a client sends a request, the proxy takes the credentials, and asks the authentication service whether the credentials are correct or not. If correct, the proxy will forward the request to the server; if not, the proxy will return an error code to the client.

 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  1. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 4. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |                         | Server |
|________|  <---  6. Response <---  |________|  <--- 5. Response <---  |________|

                                      |    ^
                           2. Request |    |  3. Response
                                      v    |
                                    |  Aux.  |
                                    |Service |

Now we have to keep track of more than one request coming from the proxy, and more than one handling. Moreover, the proxy might have to make multiple requests to the auxiliary service. Or there could be multiple auxiliary servers that the proxy must coordinate with, each doing something different. In order to test the proxy’s behavior in all of these situations, we need to keep track of a lot more stuff. Ultimately, what we need is a comprehensive record of everything that happens as a result of the original request the client made. We call that a MessageChain. Everything from the client to the proxy to the auxiliary services to the end server and back again is stored in a single, easy-to-assert object.

We can simulate the auxiliary service using a second DeproxyEndpoint in addition to the first. That endpoint can be made to return canned responses to the proxy’s authentication requests. All handlings from both endpoints will be stored in a single MessageChain object, which makeRequest returns back to its caller.

Orphaned Handlings

In order to Deproxy keeps track of separate MessageChains as a result of separate calls to makeRequest. This is even the case when making simultaneous calls on different threads.

|        |  --->  1. Request  -------------.
| Client |                                 |
|________|  <---  7. Response <-------.    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    v
 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  2. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 3. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |  ---> 4. Request  --->  | Server |
|________|  <---  8. Response <---  |________|  <--- 5. Response <---  |________|
                                                <--- 6. Response <---

In such a situation, there needs to be a way to distinguish which requests are associated with which MessageChains when they reach the server. Depending on the timing, the second request made might reach the server first. In order to keep track, makeRequest adds a special tracking header (Deproxy-Request-ID) with a unique identifier to each outgoing request, and associates it with the MessageChain for that request. Typically, a proxy won’t remove such a header from the request unless configured to do so, so this a reasonably safe way to keep track. When the request reaches the endpoint, the tracking header value is used to get the associated MessageChain for the originating call to makeRequest, and a Handling object is added to the list.

|        |  --->  1. Request  -------------.
| Client |                                 |
|________|  <---  11.Response <-------.    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    |
                                      |    v
 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  2. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 7. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |  ---> 8. Request  --->  | Server |
|________|  <---  12.Response <---  |________|  <--- 9. Response <---  |________|
                                                <--- 10.Response <---
                                      ||  ^^
                           3. Request ||  ||  5. Response
                           4. Request vv  ||  6. Response
                                    |  Aux.  |
                                    |Service |

A problem arises, however, in cases where a request reaches an endpoint without the tracking header. This could happen a number of ways:

  • The proxy might be configured to remove all but a certain predetermined white-list of headers
  • The proxy might be initiating a new request to an auxiliary service, which wouldn’t retain the tracking header
  • A completely unrelated request might have reached the endpoint from another source

Whatever the cause, it represents a problem for us, because it’s not possible to tie the Handling to a particular MessageChain without the tracking header. We call this an orphaned handling, and store it in the MessageChain‘s orphanedHandlings field. Instead, what the endpoint will do is add the Handling to all active MessageChains as an orphaned handling.

|        |  --->  1. Request  -------------.
| Client |                                 |     Deproxy-Request-ID present
|________|  <---  11.Response <-------.    |              |
                                      |    |              |      Will create one
                                      |    |              |      handling per MC
                                      |    |              |                |
                                      |    v              v                v
 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  2. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 7. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |  ---> 8. Request  --->  | Server |
|________|  <---  12.Response <---  |________|  <--- 9. Response <---  |________|
                                                <--- 10.Response <---
                                      ||  ^^
 No Deproxy-Request-ID --> 3. Request ||  ||  5. Response
 No Deproxy-Request-ID --> 4. Request vv  ||  6. Response
                                    |  Aux.  |
                                    |Service |  <-- Will result in four orphaned
                                    |________|        Handlings total, one
                                                      per request per MC

Each client Request will result in a MessageChain with:
  The initial client Request to the proxy
  Two orphaned Handlings, one for each originating client Request
  One normal Handling for the Request that makes it to the server
  The final Response that the client receives from the proxy


HTTP applications typically have support for persistent connections, which allow for multiple HTTP transactions using the same TCP connection. In Deproxy, when an endpoint receives a new connection, the connection is given a unique id. All Handling objects created by that endpoint from that TCP connection are tagged with the connection’s id value. If we want to test whether or not the proxy is using connection pooling, for example, we could simply make two identical calls to makeRequest. Assuming that the requests are forwarded by the proxy to the server and is re-using connections, the MessageChains that we get back will each have a single Handling object and both Handling objects will have the same connection value. If the proxy is not re-using connections, then the two Handling objects will have different connection values.

 ________                           ________                           ________
|        |  ---> 1. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 2. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |  <--- 4. Response <---  | Proxy  |  <--- 3. Response <---  | Server |
|________|  ---> 5. Request  --->  |________|  ---> 6. Request  --->  |________|
            <--- 8. Response <---              <--- 7. Response <---

# 2, 3, 6, and 7 use the same TCP connection
Each MessageChain should have one Handling, and both Handlings
  should have the same value for the connection field.

Deproxy is a feature-rich tool for comprehensive functional testing of HTTP applications.

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