Client Connectors

Deproxy uses client connectors to provide fine-grained control over how a client will send a Request object to a destination and receive a Response object. makeRequest already gives you the ability to craft an exact HTTP request. Connectors go the next step and specify how sockets are created, and transfer bytes to/from the socket. By default, makeRequest will use a DefaultClientConnector, which will simply open a socket, write the request to the socket, and read a response from the socket. Also, it can optionally add some default headers to the request before sending.

Built-in Connectors

Deproxy provides the following built-in client connectors:

  • BareClientConnector - This connector opens a socket, sends the request, and the reads the response. It doesn’t modify the request or response in any way. It won’t even add a Host header. It also doesn’t employ any clever tricks, like following 300-level redirection responses. If there is any failure to connect or error while transmitting, BareClientConnector will throw an exception. However, simple error codes like 501 and 404 will not trigger an exception.
  • DefaultClientConnector - This connector inherits from BareClientConnector. If the sendDefaultRequestHeaders field in RequestParams is set to true, then it will add some default headers to the request before calling BareClientConnector.sendRequest.

Both connector classes have an optional socket parameter that allows to use a previously-established connection when creating the connector. If you specify it, the connectors will use this socket; otherwise, they will create a new socket for every request. Specifying a specific socket to use can be useful for re-using connections. The built-in connectors don’t provide any connection pooling or re-use by themselves.

Specifying Connectors

A connector can be specified for use for a particular request by passing it as the clientConnector parameter to makeRequest, like so:

def deproxy = new Deproxy()

def mc = deproxy.makeRequest(url: "",
            clientConnector: new BareClientConnector())

assert mc.handlings.size() == 0
assert mc.receivedResponse.code == "400"    // Bad Request, due to missing Host header

def mc = deproxy.makeRequest(url: "",
            headers: ['Host': ''],
            clientConnector: new BareClientConnector())

assert mc.handlings.size() == 0
assert mc.receivedResponse.code == "200"

Of course, you don’t have to use a new connector each time. You can store a connector to a variable and use it for multiple requests.

Custom Connectors

You can create a custom client connector by implementing the ClientConnector interface.

Suppose you want to test a proxy for more than just its handling of certain request information. For example, how does it handle connection interruptions?

 ________                            ________                           ________
|        |  --->  1. Request  --->  |        |  ---> 2. Request  --->  |        |
| Client |                          | Proxy  |                         | Server |
|________|                          |________|                 X <---  |________|
  1. The client sends a request to the proxy
  2. The proxy potentially modifies the request and sends it along to the server
  3. Before the server can return a response, the client closes the connection to the proxy

What will the proxy do in this case? Throw an exception and log an error? Hang and catch fire? In order to test how the proxy will behave in this situation, we can create a custom client connector that closes the socket before receiving a response. We can couple that with a handler on the endpoint side that delays for a few seconds.

Here’s some example code for the connector:

class DisconnectConnector implements ClientConnector {

    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1)

    Response sendRequest(Request request, boolean https, host, port,
                         RequestParams params) {

        """Send the given request to the host,
            then wait for a few seconds and cut the connection."""

        def hostIP = InetAddress.getByName(host)

        // open the connection
        // (ignore https for now)
        Socket s = new Socket(host, port)

        def outStream = s.getOutputStream();
        def writer = new PrintWriter(outStream, true);

        // send the request
        def requestLine = String.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1",
                                        request.method, request.path ?: "/")


        HeaderWriter.writeHeaders(outStream, request.headers)


        BodyWriter.writeBody(request.body, outStream,

        // wait for the handler to signal

        // prematurely close the connection

        // wait long enough for the endpoint to
        // attach the server-side response
        sleep 3000

        return null

    def handler(request) {

        sleep 2000

        // tell the connector to proceed

        sleep 2000

        return new Response(200)

And here’s the test that uses it:

def deproxy = new Deproxy()
def endpoint = deproxy.addEndpoint(9999)

def theProxy = new TheProxy(port: 8080,
        targetHostname: "localhost",
        targetPort: 9999)

def connector = new DisconnectConnector()

def mc = deproxy.makeRequest(url: "http://localhost:8080/",
        headers: ['Host': 'localhost:8080'],
        clientConnector: connector,
        defaultHandler: connector.&handler)

assert mc.handlings.size() == 1
assert mc.handlings[0].response.code == "200"
assert mc.receivedResponse == null

So what should happen is that the server returns a response to the proxy, but that response never makes it back to the client. Therefore, there’s a handling in the MessageChain, but receivedResponse is null.

Default Request Headers

By default, the DefaultClientConector will add a number of headers on all out-bound requests. This behavior can be turned off by setting the addDefaultHeaders parameter to makeRequest to false (it is true by default). This can be useful for testing how a proxy responds to a misbehaving client. Each of the following headers is added if it has not already been explicitly added by the caller, and subject to certain conditions (e.g., presence of a response body):

  • Host

    This value is taken from the hostname parameter passed to the connector. If the port given is not the default for the specified uri scheme (80 for http, 443 for https), then the port number will be appended to the hostname. E.g., localhost:9999,

  • User-Agent

    The identifying information of the client software, “deproxy” followed by the version number.

  • Accept

    If not already present, this header is added with a value of */*.

  • Accept-Encoding

    If not already present, this header is added with a value of identity.

  • Content-Type

    If the request contains a body, then the connector will try to guess. If the body is of type String, then it will add a Content-Type header with a value of text/plain. If the body is of type byte[], it will use a value of application/octet-stream. If the request does not contain a body, then this header will not be added.

  • Transfer-Encoding

    If the request has a body, and usedChunkedTransferEncoding is true, this header will have a value of chunked. If it has a body but usedChunkedTransferEncoding is false, the header will have a value of identity. If there is no body, then this header will not be added.

  • Content-Length

    If the request has a body, and the usedChunkedTransferEncoding is false, then this header will have a value equal to the decimal count of octets in the body. If the body is a String, then the length is the number of bytes after encoding as ASCII. If the body is of type byte[], then the length is just the number of bytes in the array. If the request has a body, but usedChunkedTransferEncoding is true, then this field is not added. If the request does not have a body, then this header will be added with a value of 0.

Note: If the request has a body, and sendDefaultRequestHeaders is set to false, and the handler doesn’t explicitly set the Transfer-Encoding header or the Content-Length header, then the client/proxy may not be able to correctly read the request body.

Note: If the request does not have a Host header, rfc-compliant servers and proxies will reject it with a 400 response.

Deproxy is a feature-rich tool for comprehensive functional testing of HTTP applications.

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